Thursday, January 22, 2009

Stress Drama and Anxiety

I will keep this brief seeing as how I am running on less then 5 hours of sleep

well as if work stress hasn't been enough this week . . .

Sophie got in a huge fight with my mom yesterday

I get a call from her BF's mom ( he is at school in Indiana)

So I wake my dad up he gets her takes her to the night clinic for kids

still don't know anything at this point

Come to find out my mom kicked her forearm and bitched it up bad

hairline fracture and her hand was all purple and shit reminded me of zombie skin

I got to play nurse and do everything (shower, feed, dress) because of the cast

And whats my reward ????

A day where I will have to fake a smile and pretend nothing is wrong

The worst part is the memories this brings up of my own abuse and MY lack of action against it

But I cant save her . . . She will get fed up and do what I did one day

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