"Here comes the cold ,Break out the winter clothes and find a love to call your own "
Mayer said this back in 2001 and I now get it , I have finally found a love to call my own
Never did I think i would find someone who I really felt like was my missing piece I finally figured out what that something was that was missing
For once in my life the Holidays were a happy time for me
Meeting Ryan's 2 sides of the family was interesting to say the least
I am now well versed in the art of not reacting when adults speak of awkward things (i.e. sex, bong hits, getting fucked up at HFS)
It was nice to be around a real , functioning family for once
Made me feel strangely holidaish :)
Bringing Ryan as my date to Clear Channels Holiday Party ( I know I know I am as amazed as you are we could bring dates at all) Was a GREAT call , he was by far the most handsome man there and was a perfect companion, and the Gaylord hotel was spectacular !
Going to the Haley Farm Bed and Breakfast in Deep Creek MD was a glorious time despite some of the bumps in the road ( uncommunicative Amish sleigh operators, blowing chunks Christmas morning, Ryan's lack of vacation packing cough cough one shirt cough) it was a Christmas I will never forget :)
After 6th months of dating , I have decided Ryan is the one I waited for, i am reminded of something someone told me once, Women are like apples on a tree the rotten ones are close to the bottom, Either fall off or are very easy to get , But the best apples the most Delicious apples are at the top of the tree , and only the most patient and perfect person can climb that tree.
Ryan got the best apple of the bunch :) I have found the love of my life , my soul mate , my partner in crime , my heart , my soul , my missing piece
Our next endeavor will be a cruise trying to convince Ryan to do a combo Birthday and Year anniversary cruise